Friday, April 8, 2011

Dear Carolyn,

Goodness woman, we haven't blogged in ages! We also haven't talked in awhile. Life has been reprioritzed recently, hasn't it?

Mollie has been sick and my life has gone from work, book promotion, writing and chores to hanging out in bed with a coughing, sneezing, feverish nine year old and trying to make her feel better. Not much you can do except push liquids and be there.

Heck, I haven't even brought my Kindle down. That tells you how focused I've been.

I'm going to try getting back into my WIP. It's my first major world building and so far, it's fun but not necessarily effective. I see many rewrites in my future.

So I haven't read anything, haven't written anything, have nothing to say.

Guess there's a reason I haven't been blogging. What's your excuse?


1 comment:

  1. Dear Lori,

    I don't have an excuse, except I have a bad case of 'don't care-itis' and am not worth the powder to blow me to hell. Why depress everyone else? lol.

    Got the final whatever it is for Bea; galleys are next, so I hear. Got to fill out that excerpt thingy and I can't think in a straight line, seems like.

    Do you suppose it's spring fever? I always thought spring fever was ... well, more springy!

    Hope Mollie feels better soon.
